Télétravail en zone rurale: «Les entreprises sont très réceptives» – 20minutes.fr

Bernard Delcros, président de la communauté de communes du pays de Murat, répond à 20 Minutes sur la manière dont le télétravail devient un outil de relance de l’activité dans une région rurale en perte de vitesse comme il y en a beaucoup en France.

Télétravail en zone rurale: «Les entreprises sont très réceptives» – 20minutes.fr

The Incredible Shrinking Office: What is Driving it, Where is it Going? | faberNovel

Every 0.2 millimeter decrease in thickness on the latest Macbook Air is greeted with breathless praise from tech pundits, but there is a parallel trend that is just as interesting and carries equally large implications for the future of work: the incredible shrinking office.
The average number of square feet per office worker is plummeting, from the traditional 200-300, to 225 in 2010, to 176 today, according to USA Today. This number is projected by CoreNet Global to fall to 100 or less within 5 years, with 24% of companies in a recent survey having reached this level already.
What is causing this shift? It turns out that it is a combination of factors that are transforming not only the physical space where we work, but the nature of work itself:

The Incredible Shrinking Office: What is Driving it, Where is it Going? | faberNovel